Now with the inspiration of the summer dwindling and everyone returned to their regularly scheduled programming, how can you find the time and motivation to return to your own daily practices?
Some people may think that because I teach, I am getting my practice checked off my list for that day, but talking, teaching and watching students isn’t practicing and I know that I am a much better teacher when I am a regular student.
Have you experienced something similar? What has pulled you away from your yoga practice or exercise routine and what helps to keep you on track? Take a moment to read on and contemplate “Am I doing these things for myself?”.
Adjust Your Mindset
Instead of thinking of your yoga practice as time away from work or family, but as much deserved time spent on yourself. Did you know that a one-hour workout is only 4% of your day! Think of how you are better at all the roles in your life when you have those “realignment breaks” and can better focus on the tasks at hand. I like this
video with Debbie Rocker that tells us to think like an athlete.
“The body achieves what the mind believes”. – Timmer Books
Set a Concrete Goal
Write out your goal, post it where you can see it and share it with your
support network. State how you are feeling now and how you hope to be feeling in three months!
Some people find it helpful to track their progress in a chart, journal or even with a fancy app (like
Healthy Habits). We’ve taken some of that effort out of the equation for you and have added “
Perkville” to our free App!
Perkville is a platform that allows you to create, manage, and track your own progress. Receive points for pre-registering for a class, attending a workshop or referring a friend!
“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!” – Fred DeVito
Ask for Help
Asking for help can be as hard as getting out of bed in the wee hours of the morning – but once you’d done it turns out to be so beneficial! Find a friend, an online group (join our community
Facebook group) or go to a class/workshop to meet people with similar goals.
Also, don’t forget that your teacher and us ladies at the front desk are a huge part of your support team. Share your goals with us, ask for suggestions and encouragement. We’ve got your back!
“Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try”. – Michael Jordan
Make It an Easy Habit
“The best class is the one closest to your house,” said a very wise teacher of mine. With Sweet Serenity Yoga at the heart of North Delta, it’s easily accessible from anywhere in the city. Pick a class that you can easily attend. Sometimes this means a 9:15am revitalizing gentle Hatha class with Charlene or an 8:45pm relaxation Restorative class with Bev. Doing a bit of yoga every day, even 15 minutes at home makes it a habit and is better than not doing it at all. Going to a variety of styles of classes 2-3 times a week is also ideal for new inspiration, motivation, community, and learning.
“3 months from now you will thank yourself”. – Unknown
Decide to Do It
Getting to your mat is the hardest part – sometimes we really don’t feel like leaving the comfort of home or favorite cozy chair. We feel tired from the day and unable to face another thing, yet when we GET to class, we feel so much better! You may encounter this battle of
mind over matter every day. Try to just make it to your mat even if you only practice for five minutes at home – we usually feel so good once we begin that we continue longer.
“Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you”. – Unknown
Rewards and Incentive
Read about the benefits of yoga, watch
online videos about yoga, create a nice space in your home if that feels like a reward or buy a
“yoga treat” when you have
reached a milestone.
Check into the
incentives that we offer to regular students. At our studio, you can attend classes every day and still only pay as much as if you were attending twice a week with an unlimited membership.
“Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow!”. – Norm Kelly
Fun and Variety
Vary your
CLASSES, instructors, props,
music and time periodically. Take a new workshop, (like Intro to Yoga or a Mala Making Workshop) that has many different teachers and styles. Study what you love. Ex: Yoga – read about the philosophy and get a more in-depth understanding. Follow someone inspiring on Instagram or Facebook that fills your feed with motivation!
“Everything you’ve ever wanted to do is on the other side of Fear”. – George Addair
Listen to your Body
If you are feeling tired, do a gentle practice. When stress is rising, maybe meditation, yin or restorative is the focus of your practice that day.
“Set your intention” is often said at the beginning of a class – take a moment to figure out what you really need out of your practice that day. Some great examples in this
article give a general idea if you’re feeling at a loss. Every day is different in our body and it is important to allow your practice to reflect that.
“If you get tired learn to rest, not to quit!”. – Bansky
Commit to Yourself
You deserve to feel good! Remember that the best thing we can do to serve others is to look after our self first. Mark your class time on the calendar, so you can see it! Treat it like you would any important appointment and pre-register for your classes. We have many class styles and times for you to choose from and better yet a FREE app to track it all and help keep you accountable! Search for Sweet Serenity Yoga in your app store or scan the code below.
“The Start is what stops most people, so START!”. – Don Shula
Download our FREE App!

-Jenine Lehfeldt @SweetSerenityYoga