We are in this together, as always ❤
Thank you for your continued support and openness to adapting
The latest updates from Dr. Bonnie Henry have determined that all indoor group fitness facilities must temporarily close. This closure will be reassessed after 3 weeks.
With this announcement, we will be pivoted once again to offering all scheduled classesto you Virtually. This will help us stay connected and remain physically and mentally well!
If you are registered for any upcoming workshops, those workshops will be postponed by 3 weeks (or time closed).
Thank you for your continued support through this turbulent time! We look forward to seeing you virtually!
For more information on the latest COVID-19 restrictions https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/info/restrictions
For our current pass holders who do not wish to participate in our virtual-only offerings, please contact us by email to request an account hold at [email protected] All students that have pre-registered for in-studio classes will be moved to the virtual option. You will receive a link to join your class on Zoom 30 minutes prior to the start time. |